UBICoin is a Universal Basic Income. UBICoin generates value without mining, using time as its proof of stake. Every wallet earns UBICoin at the same rate. You can exchange UBICoin through a simple QR Code interface. UBICoin...
Is 100% FREE - there are no ads, no in-app purchases, nothing. No one at LHG makes any money from UBICoin
Is not a cryptocurrency in the traditional sense - it does not use blockchain or a shared ledger
Does not "run in the background" on you phone, so it won't drain your battery
Creates "proof of stake" using time instead of CPU cycles
Creates UBICoin at the same rate for every wallet
Generates a unique one-time-pad (OTP) encryption key for every transaction, insuring that every transaction is not repeatable, solving the double-spend problem
Can be transferred easily using a simple QR Code
Does not use the Internet at any time - no Internet connection required
Uses Ubiquitous Consensus Technology to completely eliminate the need for a shared ledger
Uses True Nonce Technology to guarantee that all transactions, backup operations and restore operations are non-repeatable
Uses One-Way-Pay Technology to allow safe and secure UBICoin backups and offline transactions
Receiving a Payment
Making a Payment
Built-in Notes